Top-Rated Primitive Reflex and Rhythmic Movement CEU Courses

Measurable progress
you can see.

Training and Support for Parents and Professionals

Brain and Sensory Foundations® Program

Neurodevelopmental movements are based on innate infant movements–primitive and postural reflexes, rhythmic movements, and developmental movements. Using the principles of and...

How Can Infant Movements Help with So Many Different Challenges?

They Develop the Brain, Body, and Sensory Systems

Two rows of babies representing proper posture, and compromised slumped posture.

Photos from Kathleen Porter, author of Healthy Posture for Babies and Children

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What is the Evidence?

Evidence e-Book.

Our Students Say it Best

Testimonials Module

  • Andrea A. parent

    "I am seeing the most progress I have ever seen with my son, and we have tried MANY interventions—every parent should know this program exists.”

  • Jennifer Everett, OTR

    "I have attended many courses over 25 years. This course by far has been the most beneficial."

  • Nikki Kieffer, OTR/L

    "Your training has transformed my practice... Every child has made so much has been so wonderful to have parents and kids excited about therapy!"

  • Brittany Hensley, PT, DPT

    "I have seen more progress in my medically fragile kids with these movements than anything else I have ever done professionally."

  • CM, Parent

    "I have done other reflex courses and this, by far, is the most practical and fun for children."

Get Instant Access to Outstanding Tools

Brain and Sensory Foundations, In-depth training in reflex integration and innate rhythmic movements, First Level.

Brain and Sensory Foundations, In-depth training in reflex integration and innate rhythmic movements, First Level.

Brain and Sensory Foundations, In-depth training in reflex integration and innate rhythmic movements, Second Level.

Brain and Sensory Foundations, In-depth training in reflex integration and innate rhythmic movements, Second Level.

What Children Say


From Erin, student of Anne Nguyen Pham

"I think rhythmic movements has (sic) helped me by staying still in my seat and paying atenchen (sic). I do it every night and it helps me get to sleep faster so I don't wake up in the middle of the night."
Erin, second grader

"The movements really helped me get through the school year and helped me focus more on school and school work. I will definitely continue to do them..."
Kallie H., 10th grade

“I’m more comfortable. Now I don’t get annoyed by loud things. I’m a normal kid!”
Luke, 11 year-old

“I feel smarter. Rhythmic movement helps me listen better.”
Kyle, second grader

"Normally I feel scared and stressed out when I take tests in Math and Science. But this time I did the exercises you taught me before the WASL test. I felt so much calmer, and it made me think more clearly. In previous years I had trouble with the WASL, this year I scored much higher than ever before and easily passed all my tests."
Derrick L., 11th grade

“. . . the [movements] made me feel better and they help calm me down . . . I can now eat more new foods because now I know I like foods I thought I didn’t like before.”
Nathan, age 11

Meet Sonia Story—Brain and Sensory Foundations Founder and Instructor

Sonia Story developed the Brain and Sensory Foundations training to provide in-depth, comprehensive training in the use of innate rhythmic and infant primitive and postural reflex movements These neurodevelopmental movements are foundational for addressing sensory, learning, physical, behavioral, emotional, social, and speech challenges.

The innate movements Sonia teaches are used successfully by OTs, PTs, SLPs, mental health therapists, trauma specialists, educators, parents, and health practitioners for their clients of all ages. Sonia is the author of a white paper giving the relevance, rationale, and evidence basis for using innate neurodevelopmental movements in OT and PT practice. Sonia’s white paper was deemed by a reviewer at Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) to be excellent for showing the relevance of innate neurodevelopmental movements to the practice of physical therapy.

About Sonia Story...

Sonia Story portrait

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